Examples of successful street marketing campaigns
Alexia VC
One could argue the goal of an ad campaign is firstly to convey information and secondly to convey it with maximum efficiency. Here are some examples of novel ad campaigns that have managed to exploit their formats in clever ways. If we’re telling you about them because they caught our eyes, surely they have succeeded in their goal?
Mobile advertising

Advertisement for 150 years of Copenhagen Zoo. This trompe-l’oeil dressing is eye-catching to say the least!

This IBM Group campaign managed to combine its slogan with a fun and practical display.
Diversion of urban decors

The Mr. clean ad speaks for itself and allows you to say a lot without spending too much.

The bench seat of a bus shelter converted into a ski lift to promote an energy drink during the Vancouver Olympics made quite a splash!
Clean tag / stencil

The urban clean tag turns out to be a wise choice given the number of passages to strategic places and the tendency of people to walk with their heads down…
Vinyl wraps/covers

Here is a witty and appetizing cover on the delivery car of a sushi restaurant.
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